Looks as if I've neglected this page for the past several months.

I’ve worked on a few things since October. Some projects are still unfinished and some are just revisits of older pieces. I’m currently and slowly looking through Autodesk’s Maya program. I plan to know how to maneuver around the app by April.

I started a drawing. It’s possibly unfinished, but I’ll need a little incentive to go back to this one.

I revisited the old Stevie Wonder project from 2014. https://vimeo.com/668689809

I revamped an old video from my Jessmine and Jamaal series. https://vimeo.com/666528385

I improved upon an old Global Zodiac piece. https://www.mrjosephfobbs.com/theglobalzodiac

I also reorganized an old demo video for LinkedIn. https://vimeo.com/661508892


I revamped an old piece.


This new render took 23 hours to process.