It’s to my understanding that Aries can be seen as recklessly aggressive at times. But, being the first sign in the first season of the year, that aggression is needed to initiate the birth of all that is new.

It’s to my understanding that Aries can be seen as recklessly aggressive at times. But, being the first sign in the first season of the year, that aggression is needed to initiate the birth of all that is new.

 My personal experience has shown me that the Taurus, will always attempt to place those around them in a position to win. Because of this drive, they are often looked at as a tower of strength to those who desire that push.

My personal experience has shown me that the Taurus, will always attempt to place those around them in a position to win. Because of this drive, they are often looked at as a tower of strength to those who desire that push.

 Geminis, I read, are very social people. But they aren’t necessarily social for their love of others, but instead this is their favorite method of gathering information.

Geminis, I read, are very social people. But they aren’t necessarily social for their love of others, but instead this is their favorite method of gathering information.

 I read that this sign is represented by a crab mainly because Cancer people tend to remain strongly connected to their immediate family, and the crab is a creature that walks with its home on its back.

I read that this sign is represented by a crab mainly because Cancer people tend to remain strongly connected to their immediate family, and the crab is a creature that walks with its home on its back.

 I understand that the Leo is a fire sign ruled by the sun. This makes them very charismatic extroverts, and gives them the potential to leave a string of accomplishments behind them.

I understand that the Leo is a fire sign ruled by the sun. This makes them very charismatic extroverts, and gives them the potential to leave a string of accomplishments behind them.



 The Libra are people who are driven to find and share beauty in all forms, cultures, arts, as well as in people.   The glyph that represents Libra displays the balance of daylight and darkness as the sign begins at the start of a seasonal equinox (S

The Libra are people who are driven to find and share beauty in all forms, cultures, arts, as well as in people.

The glyph that represents Libra displays the balance of daylight and darkness as the sign begins at the start of a seasonal equinox (Spring in the southern hemisphere and Autumn in the northern hemisphere)

 I once read that, although the Scorpio is associated with the only animal that is equipped to kill itself by mistake, they also have incredible stamina and will always rise from the dead.

I once read that, although the Scorpio is associated with the only animal that is equipped to kill itself by mistake, they also have incredible stamina and will always rise from the dead.

 It's been said that Sagittarius is the zodiac's "success" sign, as it will always aim for that which is higher than themselves.

It's been said that Sagittarius is the zodiac's "success" sign, as it will always aim for that which is higher than themselves.

 I've read that a Capricorn is driven towards climbing new heights, whether it be through education or social status or simple personal achievements. They will also lock horns with you if you're not careful.

I've read that a Capricorn is driven towards climbing new heights, whether it be through education or social status or simple personal achievements. They will also lock horns with you if you're not careful.

 I once read that the Aquarius individual will move the water, but is never of the water.

I once read that the Aquarius individual will move the water, but is never of the water.

 I've read once that the glyph for Pisces represents two fish joined together by the mouth. This was designed to display the sign's split personality pulling in two opposite directions.

I've read once that the glyph for Pisces represents two fish joined together by the mouth. This was designed to display the sign's split personality pulling in two opposite directions.