“Carla Dunlap” 1995 ( Prismacolors, chalk ). This was my third attempt at this piece; my first was in the early eighties. Carla Dunlap was known as one of the first successful female bodybuilders during the late seventies.
"Pepa" October 2021.
“Halle 1999” ( Prismacolors ). I used a variety of different references for this drawing, including a v.h.s. recording of her on the Oprah show.
"Nneka". September 2023. Graphite
“Blue Bikini” 1996 ( Prismacolors ). The source material for this piece was a magazine photo.
"Victoria" 2024 (Graphite) I started this drawing September 2023, and stopped in September 2023. I went back to it December 2024.
“Newspaper Advertisement” 1984 ( Prismacolors ). I believe this was done on Canson paper. During this period I realized that one could incorporate the paper's natural tint with the final result. I began using that technique more often throughout the eighties.
“Hair Ad” 1981 ( graphite ). This is was model from an advertisement that I found in Ebony Magazine back in the early eighties.
“Classroom Guy” 1983 (graphite). This is my second attempt at drawing the person next to me as part of a school project in college. Had I remembered the name of this guy, I would have titled it more appropriately. (And yes, this is done on very large newsprint paper.)
“Heather Hunter” 1995 (Prismacolor). I took a little artistic license with my depiction of this adult film star.