Getting closer.


This isn’t half bad. Pretty soon I’ll have to post it on the social media to gauge the reaction.


*This is an update from today’s post. The skin was too dark, so I had to adjust the tone.

I just scrolled down to a post from July where I thought the likeness was almost where I wanted it to be. In retrospect, it wasn’t even close. So, instead of posting this last render to social media, I am going to sleep on it and come back to see if this is as accurate as I originally thought.

Still getting closer.


The two images above were a struggle with the smile and the eyes; neither matched her actual face. I also suspected there to be a lighting issue, so I tinkered with the background illumination as you can see from the earring reflection. But, the likeness was still missing.


Here, the likeness has grown closer, but I’m still not convinced. I also darkened the back to add some contrast, and lowered the shoulders of the jacket.